Saturday, 10 November 2012

Doing things alone?

so when you hang out with your friends lesser, you just have to learn to do things alone or else
Nothing can be done if you were to wait for friends to hang out with you to get those things done.

In the past, I would feel weird doing things alone. If. I can't find friends to go movie with me, I won't  go alone.i would rather just sit at home and do other stuff and wait for friends to hang out again.
But now I realize, if you just wait for them, nothing can be I'm
Learning to do things alone.

Like ?

Hmm eat alone? done tat once or twice in the past,  eating alone at mcdonalds, and sushi king
It's really weird..and awkward haha.  now, no I have not eaten alone yet since I always have my colleague to eat with. But I should , just o and get the food I want to eat instead of compromising with my colleague on what to eat Or the other way, cause some days , we just dun't have the same food on our mind for a. Lunch.

It's funny how I pity the people I saw eating alone in a restaurant when I'm young.
I thought that they are a weirdo and maybe no friends and look so sadddddd..
But I realize, no they are just trying to get enjoy their meal and it's normal!

Shopping alone.? I find it extremely nice to shop alone, and although sometimes its weird too. But I always go shopping alone, I just walk in to a shop, grab some clothes I like and try it..or maybe buy it! Probably the most often thing I done alone ! I can walk in to many shops just to buy pants without worrying my friends is bored waiting for me.

Movie alone?  Nope haven done that yet, but will be. I was lucky to find a friend to watch sky fall James bond movie with me laz weeek. Sometimes there are movies that I wanna see, but when I ask my friends, they can't make it, I will jut wait for the dvd, or if they dun feel like watching that movie, and have other choices in their mind, I will just go with it. And so I miss out the movies I wanna see.

And I think next time, I should Juz go watch movie alone.. Buy the ticket, grab popcorn, and just go
Sides, it's cheaper on weekdays, and I don't think I can find anyone to movie with me.
Well unless, I decided to save money and just wait for DVD to download..

Yet laz time, I even laugh at my bro for going movie alone after work, lol but now I realize if you have to wait for a friend for that, maybe you won't able to get into the cinema ayear!

Next movie alone !

So how often do you hang out with your friends?

So I saw this article and I find it interesting. The  question how often do you hang out with friends?
Well, I kinda hangout with my friends almost everyday during college.
But once, you start working, we hang out with friends lesser.
Because sometimes you feel like just lying on your bed on the weekends.
Or sometimes, you just can't find someone to hang out with.
Everyone seems to be very busy with their own stuff, studying, exams, working, hanging out with
Classmates or course mates.
BUut since most of my friends are still in studying phase .... It's still ok, but class, assignments and exams will still make them very busy.NOt to mention, the time is very flexible for them.
While when you work, you only have your time free during night. So it's harder for a to hangout with friends.

so I  hangout with my friends every few months maybe 2-3 months. Might sounds long and miserable if in the past, but nw it's completely ok and fine :).  Because I can sometimes enjoy my own company